Facebook Love

As a mom of 3 boys and a sister to 3 brothers I have always felt a kinship when I see other moms of 3 boys. I feel it with all moms, no matter how many kids of course. But this felt like we knew something about each others lives. I always wanted us to high 5 or do a knowing super hero nod to each other.

For this purpose I started a Facebook page a few years ago Mom of boys, there are others that are really closely named lol.  I’ve only had maybe 150-200 followers and I mostly post little memes that I find, little pictures.

A few months ago a fellow mom blogger asked me to write a blog post for them and they tied to to my Facebook account, and all of a sudden in the last 5 days I went from 500 followers to 5000! It was such a fun week to watch the numbers climb higher then I ever dreamed! I believe it is slowing down but I was so amazed! I’ve been responding to all comments and posting a little more often and even creating a few memes of my own to help be interesting. I don’t know if it will last , but it feels like a cosmic pat on the back.

This is the link to my page. If you go there let me know what you think!

Positive F*%#ing Talk

I have a secret love of inspirational and funny memes on social media. I try to not post them because thats not the look I am going for, and I admit I have banned friends because they post too many memes of rainbows and kittens with happy sayings. But really sometimes they do say exactly what I need to hear with the perfect picture. I’ve tried to create my own using quotes I like, with my own pictures but it doesn’t work out quite as nice.

I will also admit that I have a collection of inspirational memes that all contain the F-bomb. For some reason there are days when they just work so much better then other ones. I don’t usually use that word when I’m speaking so maybe the forbidden nature of it tickles my funny bone when I’m feeling down. I have one brother who enjoys trading these gems with me in texts whenever we find a good one.

My natural tendency isn’t to talk very nice to myself. I tend to have a lot of negative talk in my head actually. I have put up nice pictures with inspirational saying where I can see them and I started an anonymous  Instagram account to post all those memes I can’t post on my regular account lol. I read one today that had a quote from the book, “The Secret.” It says;

This is your life, and it’s been waiting for you to discover it. Up until now you may have been thinking that life is hard and a struggle, and so by the law of attraction you will have experienced life as hard and a struggle. Begin right now to shout to the universe, “Life is so good! All good things come to me!”

I’ve been trying it for a day now, I’m not saying I’m prepared to go buy the book and learn all the secrets but it was a well timed reminder. After all my very good friend likes to remind me I have a great life. Yes I’m going through hard things but it’s life great!
